Andrei Tarkovsky's Visual Poetry Trademarks on The Sacrifice (1986)

Andrei Arsenyevich Tarkovsky, born April 4th 1932, is widely known as a Russian film director and screenwriter. Although he only made a few feature film throughout his career, his contribution for the film industry was greatly influential. Filmmakers who then adopted Tarkovsky's artistic style is called Tarkovskian. Andrei Tarkovsky managed to make seven feature film before he passed away. However, all of his films shows such distinctive methodology. His visual language was very consistent, as many recurring elements in his films were frequent. He is also known for his poetic imagery, mostly due to his shot design. He often uses long unbroken meditative takes, creates layers within scenes, and also frames his shot with doorways. As you can see in The Sacrifice, Tarkovsky puts his subject in the middle of the frame, hinched between the door. ↑ Frame within a frame: framing with doorways. ↑ Layering the scenes with sheets and trees. Tarkovsky's last masterp...